1. March 31, 2022
    Health and social services

    Intervention at CIUSSS de l'Est-de-l'Île-de-Montréal

    The Protecteur du citoyen received a report about the emergency room at Hôpital Santa Cabrini Ospedale, in Montréal. Every month, hundreds of people remain longer than the 24-hour limit set by the Department. The Protecteur du citoyen decided to intervene.

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  2. March 14, 2022

    Crime victims: sometimes services have to be customized

    A crime victim contacted the Direction générale de l’indemnisation des victimes d’actes criminels. The agency authorized psychological counselling but refused to allow the sessions to be held by phone. The victim, who had mobility problems, complained to the Protecteur du citoyen.

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  3. March 10, 2022
    Health and social services

    Intervention with CHSLD Pavillon Philippe-Lapointe

    The Protecteur du citoyen received a report about the care offered to the residents of Pavillon Philippe-Lapointe, a residential and long-term care centre (CHSLD) located in the Laurentians. The Protecteur du citoyen decided to intervene.

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  4. March 7, 2022

    Help informal caregivers who need rest

    An informal caregiver tried to find a respite resource that would take care of his spouse for a few days. He was exhausted and really needed to rest. However, no place was available in his region. He complained to the Protecteur du citoyen.

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290 results