1. April 11, 2023
    Bills and legislation

    Reaction to Bill 14

    In a brief to the Committee on Institutions, Ombudsperson Marc-André Dowd commented on Bill 14 – Act to amend various provisions relating to public security and to enact the Act to assist in locating missing persons.

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  2. March 16, 2023
    Health and social services

    Intervention at Hôpital de Sept-Îles

    The Protecteur du citoyen received a report about the safety and quality of care at Hôpital de Sept-Îles. This hospital reports to Centre intégré de santé et de services sociaux (CISSS) de la Côte-Nord. The Protecteur du citoyen decided to intervene with the CISSS.

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  3. February 23, 2023
    Health and social services

    Intervention at Hôpital de Granby

    The Protecteur du citoyen received a report about Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux (CIUSSS) de l’Estrie. Seemingly, the supervision of people with symptoms of dementia at Hôpital de Granby, which reports to the CIUSSS, was inadequate. The Protecteur du citoyen decided to intervene.

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