Reactions to bills and draft regulations

The Québec Ombudsman analyzes bills before they are voted on at the National Assembly of Québec. The same applies to draft regulations before they are passed by the government.

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  1. April 16, 2021
    Bills and legislation

    Brief by the Protecteur du citoyen on Bill 88

    On April 14, 2021, the Québec Ombudsperson sent a brief to the Committee on Transportation and the Environment on Bill 88, Act to amend the Act respecting the conservation and development of wildlife and other legislative provisions.

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  2. April 14, 2021
    Bills and legislation

    Brief by the Protecteur du citoyen on Bill 83

    On April 14, 2021, the Québec Ombudsperson presented a brief to the Committee on Health and Social Services on Bill 83, Act respecting mainly the health insurance plan and prescription drug insurance plan eligibility of certain children whose parents’ migratory status is precarious.

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  3. April 1, 2021
    Bills and legislation

    Reaction to Bill 79

    In a letter to the Committee on Citizen Relations, the Québec Ombudsperson commented on Bill 79, Act to authorize the communication of personal information to the families of Indigenous children who went missing or died after being admitted to an institution.

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  4. March 11, 2021
    Bills and legislation

    Reaction to Bill 85

    In a letter to the Committee on Planning and the Public Domain, the Québec Ombudsperson commented on Bill 85, Act to facilitate the conduct of the 7 November 2021 municipal general election in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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  5. March 10, 2021
    Bills and legislation

    Reaction to Bill 74

    On March 8, 2021, the Québec Ombudsperson sent the Committee on Public Finance a letter concerning Bill 74, Act to give effect to fiscal measures announced in the Budget Speech delivered on 10 March 2020 and to certain other measures.

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  6. March 5, 2021
    Bills and legislation

    Reaction to Bill 82

    On March 3, 2021, the Québec Ombudsperson sent a letter to the Committee on Public Finance concerning Bill 82, Act respecting mainly the implementation of certain provisions of the Budget Speech of 10 March 2020.

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  7. February 3, 2021
    Bills and legislation

    Bill 67 concerning various municipal and housing issues

    On February 1, 2021, the Québec Ombudsperson sent the Committee on Planning and the Public Domain a letter about an amendment to Bill 67. The amendment is in response to a recommendation in her report entitled Private seniors’ residences: more than just rental businesses.

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  8. January 25, 2021
    Bills and legislation

    Brief by the Protecteur du citoyen on Bill 84

    On January 21, 2021, the Québec Ombudsperson sent the Committee on Institutions a brief on Bill 84, Act to assist persons who are victims of criminal offences and to facilitate their recovery.

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