Have you witnessed wrongdoing within a public organization? Sound the alarm!

  • March 24, 2021
  • Disclosure
Lanceurs d'alerte

March 24 is Whistleblower Awareness Day. The Protecteur du citoyen is taking the opportunity to remind you that if you denounce a public organization, the law protects you. 

Wrongdoing may consist of a practice that is unfair, preferential or abusive. Have you seen this happening within a public organization and you want to report it? You can do so safely by contacting the Protecteur du citoyen.

The role of the Protecteur du citoyen

We handle disclosures about all government departments and agencies, health and social services organizations, childcare centres and the education sector. We receive nearly 1,000 disclosures per year which we analyze thoroughly. When we consider it necessary, we investigate. We make confidentiality a primary concern.

Speaking out, but at what cost?

Are you reluctant to disclose a wrongdoing that you witnessed?

When you denounce a wrongdoing to the Protecteur du citoyen, the Act to facilitate the disclosure of wrongdoings relating to public bodies protects you. We use all necessary means to protect your identity and that of the people who cooperate in the investigation. 

You are also protected if you have suffered reprisal because of a disclosure.

Financial assistance for access to legal advice

In certain situations, we provide financial assistance for access to legal advice. For example, if:

  • You disclosure a wrongdoing or want to do so. 
  • You cooperate in an investigation or audit stemming from a disclosure. 
  • You feel that you have been victimized because you made a disclosure or participated in an audit or investigation. 

Financial assistance is granted if your situation warrants it. You have to ask for this assistance before you seek legal advice. The Protecteur du citoyen determines the number of hours of legal counsel and the conditions that apply.

See Access to legal advice for further information.

Other recourse for breaches of public integrity

In addition to the Protecteur du citoyen, other Québec organizations oversee public integrity: