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See the Protecteur du citoyen’s reports and investigations. See the Protecteur du citoyen’s reports and investigations.
Phone us at 1-800-463-5070, Monday to Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Phone us at 1-800-463-5070, Monday to Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Speakerphone Icon Inclusive and respectful service

A specialized approach for the First Nations and Inuit

The Protecteur du citoyen has undertaken a cultural safety initiative with First Nations and Inuit.

For more information about our approach

Frequently Asked Questions

Make a complaint


The Protecteur du citoyen pledges to: 

  • Take your call within 1 minute
  • Within 2 days*, acknowledge receipt (verbally or in writing) or refer you to the right resource if your complaint is not under our jurisdiction. 
  • 10 days*: the average time for handling a complaint concerning the public services.  
  • 60 days*: the average time for handling a complaint concerning the health and social services network.  

* Working day: every day except Saturday and Sunday and Québec statutory holidays


No. The Protecteur du citoyen is not mandated to contest decisions by the Premier, ministers or any other elected official.

We cannot comment on government appointments, announcement of public subsidies or the outcome of negotiations. 

As Québec’s ombudsman, we are impartial and independent. We act concerning the quality of public services (government departments and agencies, health and social services institutions). We make any required recommendations aimed at rectifying abuse, mistakes or failings (e.g. long wait times, misinformation or unwarranted administrative decisions).

Denounce a reprehensible act


When the investigation is completed, we report our conclusions to the highest-ranking administrative official within the public body concerned. If the circumstances warrant it, we notify the minister responsible for the public body. Where applicable, we make recommendations.

If we feel that the public body in question did not take any satisfactory measures within a reasonable time following our recommendations, we notify the minister responsible for the public body concerned. We may also report the situation in our annual report or in a special report tabled in the National Assembly. 

See the Alleged wrongdoer and Handling disclosures pages for information about our investigation procedure.


Your identity and the information you provide are treated in strictest confidence. The information disclosed is accessible only to persons authorized to consult it in the performance of their duties at the Protecteur du citoyen.

However, the purpose of your complaint is to repair the damage you have suffered because of reprisal.

As a result, during our investigation we will have to reveal your identity, that of the person who carried out reprisal or of certain witnesses, particularly if administrative, civil or criminal recourse has been exercised.

To find out more, contact us directly.