Your complaint is transmitted to the Protecteur du citoyen and a message confirming that it has sent is displayed on the screen. You can print this confirmation (by printing the Web page from your browser). You can also save a copy of the form you just sent for your records.

Our web forms are secure, so your personal information is protected. Online information is heavily encrypted to prevent hacking.

What’s more, your complaint will be handled confidentially. Your personal information is always protected and is only available to those authorized to see it as part of their job.

Check your browser

Our site is designed to function with most PC or Mac browsers. We recommend that you always use the latest version. If you use an older version, certain functionalities may not be available, such as sending attachments with secure web forms.

Recommended browsers:

  • Google Chrome
  • Edge
  • Internet Explorer (versions 11 and higher)
  • Safari (Mac environment only)
  • Mozilla Firefox

Operating systems recommended for mobiles and tablets:

  • iOS (versions 7.0 and higher)
  • Android (versions 4.0 and higher)

Check the format and size of your documents

To ensure secure transmission, the web form automatically blocks files that could be dangerous or corrupted or that are too large. Note that the size of any file must not exceed 5 MB. The combined size of all attached documents must not exceed 75 MB.

Only files ending in the following extensions are authorized: .avi .bmp .cda .doc .docx .docm .dot .gif .htm .html .jpeg .jpg .mht .mp3 .mp4 .mpeg .mpg .msg .pdf .png .pps .ppsx .ppt .pptm .pptx .rtf .tif .tiff .txt .wav .wma .wmv .wpl .wps .xls .xlsm .xlsx and .xps.

If you continue to have difficulties, contact us.