Need help? Know where to go

  • September 13, 2023
Illustration d'un homme tenant une très grande loupe au-dessus d'un point d'interrogation.

For a problem with Government of Québec services

Long wait times? Unpaid benefits or indemnities? Mistakes in processing your file? Contact the Protecteur du citoyen. We see to it that government departments, public agencies and the health and social services network uphold your rights. Our services are free and there’s no complicated red tape.

In certain cases, there are specific forms of recourse. For example:

Are you having trouble filing a complaint about the health and social services network? Complaints assistance centres (CAAPs) and users’ committees can help you with the process.

Other difficulties?

Here’s an address book with contacts for useful information and recourse.

Information resources

In cases of environmental emergency