From now on, anyone who is dissatisfied with the services of a public or private educational institution in Québec can file a complaint with a regional student ombudsman. Here’s what you need to know.
Since August 28, 2023, the complaint processing procedure in effect in school environments involves:
- 17 regional student ombudsmen who process complaints by students and parents;
- A National Student Ombudsman who sees to it that the rights of the school institution clientele are upheld. He or she also supervises and supports the work of the regional student ombudsmen and can process complaints that require his or her special intervention.
Which educational environments?
This new recourse is accessible to students who attend an educational institution within the jurisdiction of:
- A school service centre;
- An English school board;
- The private sector;
- Vocational training;
- Adult education.
Students who are homeschooled can also file a complaint about the services they receive or should receive from the school service centre responsible for them.
What kinds of problems?
For example:
- Inadequate behaviour by a teacher, school principal or any member of the staff;
- Services that should be provided for supporting student success but that are not;
- Unsafe school equipment or premises;
- Situations of bullying or violence. Any complaint concerning acts of sexual violence is fast-tracked.
Three steps at most
If there is a problem, begin by contacting the person directly concerned within the school (principal, teacher, non-teaching professional, support staff) or that person’s superior. This can be done verbally, but it is always suggested that you do so in writing. The person has 10 working days to respond to you.
Has the deadline expired or are you dissatisfied with the answer you received? Contact the person in charge of processing complaints within the school service centre, the school board or the private educational institution concerned. Your oral or written complaint will be processed within 15 working days.
Are you still dissatisfied with the outcome or has the deadline expired? Contact the regional student ombudsman in your territory at 1-833-420-5233 or by email. Regional student ombudsmen have 20 working days to process your complaint and send their recommendations to the National Student Ombudsman.
The National Student Ombudsman has 5 working days to inform regional student ombudsmen of whether it intends to make its own recommendations. It then has 10 working days to examine your complaint and to substitute its recommendations for those of the regional student ombudsman.
What happens next?
The school service centre, school board or private educational institution has 10 working days to act on the recommendations.
Please note: the law prohibits any reprisal measure against anyone who, in good faith, files a complaint with a regional student ombudsman.