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File a complaint about a government department or agency.
File a complaint
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File a complaint about the health and social services network.
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Speak out against a wrongdoing within a public body.
Speak out
Find out more about the Protecteur du citoyen. Find out more about the Protecteur du citoyen.
See the Protecteur du citoyen’s reports and investigations. See the Protecteur du citoyen’s reports and investigations.
Phone us at 1-800-463-5070, Monday to Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Phone us at 1-800-463-5070, Monday to Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Speakerphone Icon Inclusive and respectful service

A specialized approach for the First Nations and Inuit

The Protecteur du citoyen has undertaken a cultural safety initiative with First Nations and Inuit.

For more information about our approach

Frequently Asked Questions

Make a complaint


No. As soon as we receive your complaint, we acknowledge receipt by phone or in writing (email, letter or fax) within two working days. Then if your complaint is admissible (if we can intervene), we check the facts with all the parties concerned. However, whether or not your complaint is substantiated, we inform you of your conclusions, verbally or in writing. 

If you want to know how your file is progressing, call us at 1-800-463-5070, Monday to Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.


No. The Protecteur du citoyen has no jurisdiction in that area. You must file a complaint with the ombudsman of the university in question.

Denounce a reprehensible act


No. The Protecteur du citoyen is now the single point of contact for disclosures of wrongdoing within Québec public bodies and for reprisal complaints related to disclosures.

Want to report a wrongdoing? Do it now.
Do you have a reprisal complaint? See the How am I protected? section.


If no settlement is reached at the end of mediation, or if you refuse mediation, you have two options.

First, we offer you a free legal representation service. We can represent you in any administrative or civil proceedings we deem appropriate, including before the Tribunal administratif du travail (TAT) if your complaint is employment-related. When this happens, your complaint is transferred to the TAH without delay, if you agree.

The second option is to hold an administrative investigation within 9 months of receiving your complaint to determine whether reprisal has occurred. This investigation can only be carried out if the courts are not involved. If we find that reprisal has occurred, we make recommendations to rectify the situation.

In addition to these last options, we can also conduct a criminal investigation to determine whether there is an offence in connection with your reprisal complaint.

To find out more, see the Handling reprisal complaints page.