Disabilities and employment: making it easier to get into the job market

  • June 7, 2023
  • Autism, Intellectual disabilities and pervasive developmental disorders, Emploi, Companies, Physical disability, Work
Young waiter with Down syndrome chatting with female colleague and taking notes

It can be difficult for people with disabilities to find a job. Help is available to promote hiring them.

You’re not alone

The Ministère de l’Emploi et de la Solidarité sociale provides universal access to its employment services. No matter what their disability, people who go to a Services Québec office will be welcomed. There they’ll get the support they need for the assessment interview and employment assistance. 

The Office des personnes handicapées du Québec (OPHQ) offers customized help to people with disabilities and to their families. You can ask for assistance with your job search and employment integration.

People with disabilities who receive last-resort financial assistance may qualify for the Social Assistance and Support Program:

Finding a job

DuoEmploi makes it possible for people with disabilities age 16 and over to discover a workplace during a one-day internship.

Does the civil service interest you? The Programme de développement de l’employabilité à l’intention des personnes handicapées offers the possibility of casual employment designed for skills development over a 12-month contract.

At least 60% of the staff of accredited adapted businesses must consist of people with disabilities. These businesses receive a subsidy from the Ministère de l’Emploi et de la Solidarité sociale.

Moving into employment

Employers can be assisted in hiring, integrating or retaining people with disabilities.

Thanks to employment integration contracts, employers can be granted certain amounts:

Do you travel to work by car? Whether you’re a passenger or a driver, you may qualify for a disabled parking permit. Read this useful tip and hand in your application form to the Société de l’assurance automobile du Québec (SAAQ).

Need help? Having a problem?

To know more about employment measures and adapted work, go to Quebec.ca

Are you dissatisfied with OPHQ, Services Québec or SAAQ services? Having trouble accessing Ministère de l’Emploi et de la Solidarité sociale services? Contact the Protecteur du citoyen. We handle complaints about Government of Québec departments and agencies free of charge and in the strictest confidence.

Also see: Financial support for my child with a disability: what happens at age 18?