Are you unable to get around independently or safely, even temporarily? You could be eligible for an accessible parking permit, whether you own a vehicle or not.
Parking permits for people with disabilities are issued by the Société de l'assurance automobile du Québec (SAAQ). Anyone with a disability related to short-distance mobility can apply.
You qualify if, for a minimum period of six months, you are unable to move about unaided. This also applies if you are at risk of compromising your safety or health by moving a short distance without assistance.
You don’t need the permit if you stop a vehicle in a place that is normally off-limits to allow a person with a mobility impairment to get in or out. However, the manoeuvre must be safe.
Easier travel, subject to certain conditions
The permit makes it legal to park a vehicle in spaces reserved for people with mobility challenges as long as the vehicle is carrying the person with a disability to whom it belongs. Because the permit is not linked to a vehicle, but to a person, you can use your permit as a passenger and as a driver.
However, you must comply with certain obligations, otherwise you could be fined:
- Each time you use the permit, hang it from the vehicle's rear-view mirror so that it’s visible from the outside.
- Every time you use your vehicle, make sure you have on hand the accompanying certificate issued with the permit.
- Never lend your permit or certificate.
Do you use a motorbike or moped (scooter)? The permit, which must be affixed to the licence plate, is issued only to the vehicle’s owner or lessee.
Getting a permit
Complete the Accessible Parking Permit Application form yourself if:
- Your driver’s licence carries condition P (vehicle fitted with manual controls).
- You use a wheelchair, pushchair or orthomobile subsidized by the Régie de l'assurance maladie du Québec (RAMQ) to get around.
- You’ve been funded for certain equipment (lowered floor, platform, roof box, trolley or winch) under the Programme d’adaptation de véhicule pour les personnes handicapées.
In any other situation, contact a health professional recognized by the SAAQ. If this person considers that your condition warrants use of a permit, the professional will complete the application form, which you will then be asked to sign.
The permit and accompanyinmg certificate are valid for 5 years. Note that you must return them to the SAAQ if your condition no longer warrants their use.
Do you have a parking permit but no private parking space at home? You can ask your municipality to reserve a parking space or drop-off point on a nearby public road.
Your recourse
Need help applying for a permit? Contact the Office des personnes handicapées du Québec (OPHQ). The OPHQ offers people with disabilities and their families personalized help in accessing services.
Has the SAAQ turned down your permit application and you disagree with this decision? Are you dissatisfied with SAAQ or OPHQ services? Turn to the Protecteur du citoyen. Our services are free and user-friendly.
See also: Disabilities and employment: making it easier to get into the job market