A father filed a complaint against Retraite Québec, which had not issued all his family allowance.
In the past, he had had full custody of only one of his children, but now all his children lived with him full-time. The father notified Retraite Québec of this change.
Years later, the man learned that his family allowance had never been adjusted. He was still getting the amounts issued for one dependent child.
Because the Protecteur du citoyen intervened with Retraite Québec, the father retroactively received the full amount he should have been getting all those years.
The Protecteur du citoyen ensures that your rights are upheld in your dealings with Québec public services. Are you dissatisfied with the services of a Government of Québec department or agency? Or with those of a health and social services network institution (2nd level of recourse)? File a complaint by calling 1-800-463-5070 or using our online complaint form.