A lady filed a complaint against the private seniors’ residence where she lived because it authorized staff to come into her apartment without her consent.
Usually, the employees knock on the door and wait for a response before entering the apartment. However, when they don’t get an answer, sometimes they come in by using a master key.
The woman was worried. For example, someone could come in while she is in the shower. She felt that her privacy and that of the other residents was not being respected.
At the Protecteur du citoyen’s request, the residence clarified the rules regarding access to apartments. It specified in particular that the master key must only be used in emergency situations.
The Protecteur du citoyen ensures that your rights are upheld in your dealings with Québec public services. Are you dissatisfied with the services of a Government of Québec department or agency? Or with those of a health and social services network institution (2nd level of recourse)? File a complaint by calling 1-800-463-5070 or using our online complaint form.