A woman filed a complaint against a private CHSLD because the residents did not always get customized care.
The CHSLD hired healthcare staff from an agency. Because of high staff turnover, these employees did not know the residents very well. As a result, they tended to carry out tasks without factoring in residents’ individual needs. For example, to move a resident, they did not use the techniques recommended in the treatment plan. Moreover, when residents used their call bell, the employees turned it off without properly assessing the request.
Thanks to the Protecteur du citoyen, the CHSLD reminded its staff that they had to tailor their approach to the resident’s condition. It also insisted on the importance of responding to the needs of residents who use their call bell.
To learn more about this real-life case, see our 2022-2023 Annual Report (in French).
The Protecteur du citoyen ensures that your rights are upheld in your dealings with Québec public services. Are you dissatisfied with the services of a Government of Québec department or agency? Or with those of a health and social services network institution (2nd level of recourse)? File a complaint by calling 1-800-463-5070 or using our online complaint form.