Putting students first

  • June 13, 2022
Female teacher showing fingers of her hand to a boy sitting on the floor

In Québec, nearly one in five students in public elementary schools needs adapted student services. The Protecteur du citoyen conducted an investigation about access to these services for students with special learning or adaptation needs.

In its Putting students first investigation report released today, the Ombudsman says it is concerned about how difficult it is for some of these students to get these adapted services. It is also worried that the services offered are not always based on students’ real needs. As the Protecteur du citoyen sees it, students’ right to services adapted to their situation is not being upheld. 

The Protecteur du citoyen made 11 recommendations to the Ministère de l’Éducation du Québec, including:

Putting students first (special report's cover)

Highlights (in French only):
Special report — Putting students first (PDF, 149 KiB)

Special report (summary):
Putting students first: For adapted educational services for students with special learning and adjustment needs (PDF, KiB)

News release:
Special report — Putting students first: For adapted educational services for students with special learning and adjustment needs