Investigation into access to residential resources for elderly people

  • October 28, 2021
  • The elderly, CHSLD, CISSS, Hospital, Private seniors’ residences, Health
Dame âgée assise sur une chaise et parlant au téléphone

On October 28, 2021, the Protecteur du citoyen released a special report on access to residential resources for elderly people. Here are the main features.

A few numbers

The main findings

As the Protecteur du citoyen sees it, the access mechanism must be improved for several reasons:

The Protecteur du citoyen’s recommendations

The report contains 14 recommendations to the Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux aimed at making the access mechanism fairer and more compassionate, and at strengthening the respect of rights. The recommendations are grouped under four orientations:

  1. Show consideration for would-be residents;
  2. Standardize practices Québec-wide;
  3. Review application prioritization;
  4. Produce an exhaustive portrait of access to public residential resources.

For more information

See the special report titled Pour un accès à l’hébergement public qui respecte les droits et les besoins des personnes âgées et de leurs proches (PDF, 1.39 Mo).

An English summary (PDF, 130 KiB) is also available.