A worker filed a complaint against the Commission des normes, de l’équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CNESST), which refused to quickly correct an error in her RL-5 slip.
The agency had issued money to the citizen’s employer for compensation the worker was no longer receiving. The employer reimbursed the CNESST, but the worker’s tax slip indicated she had gotten the money. Because of this misinformation, the citizen had to pay more income tax for the fiscal year underway.
Aware of the problem, the CNESST planned to solve it sometime the following year. However, the Protecteur du citoyen convinced it to adjust the slip immediately.
Thanks to this, the citizen did not have to pay the extra income tax.
The Protecteur du citoyen ensures that your rights are upheld in your dealings with Québec public services. Are you dissatisfied with the services of a Government of Québec department or agency? Or with those of a health and social services network institution (2nd level of recourse)? File a complaint by calling 1-800-463-5070 or using our online complaint form.