Customized support: have your trusted persons recognized

  • November 3, 2022
  • The elderly
Woman talking on the phone sitting next to an elderly lady

Do you have trusted people who help you daily and will be there for you no matter what? Now you can have them officially recognized.

You must be capable in order to apply for one of the measures described here. You must understand what the measure involves and be able to express your wishes and preferences.

An assistant: to remain autonomous

Do certain things seem too difficult for you? Since November 1, 2022, the assistance measure makes it possible to have one or two assistants entered in a public register. Your assistant will be your official spokesperson with any company, institution, government department or public agency. The assistant can also be your intermediary with various professionals.

For example, you may need an assistant if:

With your consent, your assistant could:

Your assistant cannot:

A representative: when you can’t manage anymore

Do you need more help than an assistant can provide? You can have a person or more recognized to represent you. Your representative will act on your behalf. He or she will not have to consult you but must always act in your interest.

Your representative can:

Your representative’s role will vary depending on your needs.

Is a one-off action, such as refusing a succession that is in the red, too difficult? Now you can entrust the process to a temporary representative, who will do what’s required.

Want to specify your wishes? A protection mandate enables you to designate in advance:

Protection mandates only come into effect if you become incapable and a judge confirms your incapacity.

Questions or problems?

To learn more about the various protection measures recognized by the Curateur public, see the website.

Dissatisfied with the services received from the Curateur public? File a complaint with the Protecteur du citoyen. Our services are confidential and free.

Also see:
When a family member becomes incapable, what do I do?
Tutorship: Protecting incapable people and their rights