Daycare, educational childcare, or home daycare: which one is the place for my child with a disability?

  • August 17, 2022
  • Autism, Intellectual disabilities and pervasive developmental disorders, Family, Childcare, Physical disability
Fillette avec un handicap jouant à un jeu sur une table de la garderie

There are measures to support the integration of youngsters with disabilities within subsidized childcare. Here they are.

Integrating children with disabilities

Every educational childcare centre can take in children with disabilities. But only places that offer reduced-contribution spaces qualify for government integration measures:

Proof of the child’s disability or impairment is required. The amounts are issued directly to childcare centres that apply:

Parents do not have to pay fees for integrating a child with a disability. If you are offered a reduced-contribution space, you will be billed for the amount ($8.70/day in 2022). Note that there may be extra fees, such as late fees or fees if your child spends more than 10 hours in childcare per day.

Can a child with a disability be refused?

All children have the right to quality services that match their needs. A childcare service may refuse a child, whether or not they have a disability, if:

If there is a problem

You cannot find childcare.

  1. Contact the CLSC in your territory. There are some reduced-contribution spaces reserved for children with special needs referred by a CISSS or CIUSSS. The CLSC could also provide access to respite or sitting services, or suggest organizations that can support you.
  2. Use tax measures to cover part of your unsubsidized childcare fees. These include the tax credit for childcare expenses and the Supplement for handicapped children. The Office des personnes handicapées du Québec (OPHQ) can help you.

You are dissatisfied with the services of…

Also see: Do you have a child with a disability and are you getting all the financial support you qualify for?