In Québec, there are more than 9,000 incapable adults under private tutorship. The Curateur public oversees the management of their assets by someone close.
The Protecteur du citoyen investigated into the effectiveness of the supervision the Curateur public must exercise regarding private tutors mandated to see to the interests of protected adults. Today it is releasing its report titled Under tutorship but vulnerable nonetheless - Protect the assets of incapable adults under private protective supervision regimes. In it, it indicates that when there is financial abuse or mismanagement by certain tutors, the Curateur public:
- Is slow to react at times;
- Does not systematically do what needs to be done;
- Does not always follow up properly on problematic files.
"We made 17 recommendations to the Curateur public to right the situation. We expect to see the required corrective measures put in place without delay," said Protecteur du citoyen Marc-André Dowd.