Better integrated services in response to the needs of children with an intellectual disability or an autism spectrum disorder

  • March 24, 2015

In an investigation report released today, the Protecteur du citoyen presented its findings and recommendations concerning the health services and social services provided to children with an intellectual disability or an autism spectrum disorder. In its opinion, these children must have access to the required services in response to their needs, without being hampered by rigid rules based on the kind of impairment.

Ombudsperson Raymonde Saint-Germain believes that "at a key stage in the development of children with disabilities, continuous access to services is a pressing matter. The Protecteur du citoyen’s recommendations are realistic and are aimed at this critical goal. Reform of the health and social services network is the right context for implementing the recommendations. Above and beyond administrative merging of institutions, the primary concern must be genuine service integration for these children’s benefit."
