The Act to facilitate the disclosure of wrongdoings relating to public bodies came into force in 2017. The purpose of this legislation is to make it easier for whistleblowers to report wrongdoing and to protect them against reprisal, with a view to fostering public service integrity. Under the Act, the identity of any whistleblower or person who cooperates in an investigation remains confidential.
In a report released today, the Protecteur du citoyen presents the results of a sweeping survey of Québec government workers. One of the aims was to see whether existing mechanisms are known and inspire trust.
"The responses reveal that staff members are not all that familiar with the resources available to potential whistleblowers in public bodies. It also appears that many fear reprisal. It’s essential to strengthen whistleblowing mechanisms, especially by ensuring they’re actively promoted within organizations and are seen as a way of acting in strictest confidence," said Marc-André Dowd.